Case Study

How Hive executed on KeFOOD's rebranding in under 24 Hours

In recent years, the ketogenic (keto) diet has gained popularity as an effective nutritional approach for weight loss. This increasing consumer base is on the lookout for low-carbohydrate, high-healthy-fat foods that meet the requirements of the ketogenic diet – but that do not compromise on taste. This is where KeFOOD comes in.

Cristian Disisto and Marco Mausoli founded KeFOOD, then known as Ketofood, in early 2021 with the goal to offer healthy and delicious foods suited to those following a low-carb diet, including the keto diet.

After a year and a half of impressive scaling, the brand decided to outsource its logistics to Hive. This partnership has allowed the founders to focus more time on the products at the core of the business while leaving operations to Hive.

After achieving considerable success with keto consumers, the founders made the decision to better convey that their products are suitable for multiple healthy diets, not only for those following keto. With an exciting rebranding, they broadened their target market and adopted the new name "KeFOOD." 

"Ketofood" strategically rebrands to "KeFOOD"

The transition from "Ketofood" to "KeFOOD" involved creating a new brand image to reflect the company’s new objectives. The team changed their logo and visuals to reflect their shift towards a broader audience.

Rebranding does not just involve marketing but has repercussions across the business, including logistics. That’s why KeFOOD worked closely with Hive to ensure they could put the right solutions in place during the rebranding. 

Hive executes KeFOOD's rebranding in under 24 Hours

KeFOOD wanted to create a consistent experience with the new brand as soon as possible, and this involved changing some aspects of their logistics. Luckily, Hive was able to react and make the changes in less than 24 hours.

A rebranded post-purchase app

A fundamental aspect of this transition was the use of Hive's post-purchase app. This is an app that allows KeFOOD to communicate with their customers on the status of their orders. 

The ability to customize the post-purchase app with the new brand name, domain, colors, and brand logo in just a few clicks simplified the transition from Ketofood to KeFOOD, making it stress-free for the team.

Packaging updates made easy

Furthermore, Hive worked promptly to make the necessary changes to the name and logo on shipping labels, ensuring brand consistency and uniformity in all interactions with customers. 

Thanks to this close packaging collaboration, Hive made the complex rebranding process an immediate and seamless operation.

A solid partnership to enable further growth

KeFOOD's experience with Hive demonstrated the importance of having a solid and flexible logistics partner during the phases of business growth. 

With the help of Hive and its intuitive and functional software, KeFOOD was able to focus on its core business and ensure a consistent experience for its customers during this transformative phase.

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


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