Case Study

Unleashing Magic: How Hive Propelled Magicholz's 210% Surge and UK Expansion

Joy, inspiration, togetherness. This is what wooden puzzle brand Magicholz is on a mission to bring into your life. 

Co-founders Chris and Lars took the EU market by storm but when it came to their next expansion step of moving to the UK, they wanted to find a new fulfillment partner that could help take them there. That’s when they turned to Hive.

Delivering delight: Magicholz soars with Hive, boasting 1.6-day UK delivery

“We sought Hive initially for their UK presence but quickly realized their potential beyond borders,” shared Lars, Co-founder of Magicholz.

Understanding the importance of meticulous planning for their UK market entry, Magicholz opted for Hive’s Pan-EU program, ensuring swift delivery and tariff avoidance. With an impressive 1.6-day UK delivery average, Magicholz meets market expectations flawlessly.

Fulfillment in <1 day despite a vast product range of 650+ SKUs

Managing a vast product range of 650+ SKUs might have been daunting, but Magicholz thrives. Close collaboration between Magicholz and Hive ensures lightning-fast fulfillment, crucial for a brand where 75% of orders are gifts.

The Magicholz and Hive teams are in close contact with each other, with Magicholz sending data on their best selling products to allow Hive to set up their shelves in an effective way. Hive places the best selling SKUs together and closer to the packing station, meaning extra fast fulfillment, saving time to pick further orders.

Hive's Expertise Powers Magicholz Through 210% November Surge with 16% faster fulfillment

Since Magicholz’s products make ideal gifts for all ages, the team experiences a seasonal peak in November and December. In November of 2023, Magicholz’s order volume increased by 210% compared to October.

But thanks to Hive’s careful capacity planning, the peak wasn’t a problem and fulfillment speed was actually 16% faster than usual. With time sensitive seasonal orders every second counts to make sure presents arrive on time. No one wants a gift to come late, and thanks to Hive, Magicholz had no doubts their products would be shipped as fast as possible.

“Hive handled our peak season with expert capacity planning. Orders went out at lightning speed even with a 210% volume increase. This meant plenty of happy customers that got their orders as quickly as possible.” – Lars. 

Two partners growing together

Lars is excited to keep working with Hive: “behind every successful partnership lies a motivated team, and Hive is no exception. Their dedication and professionalism have been instrumental in propelling Magicholz's success, contributing to mutual growth and prosperity.”

So what’s next for the partnership? Lars is excited to ramp up Magicholz’s presence in the UK even further with Hive as their partner. 

“We can’t wait to see the share of our UK orders grow, and to test Hive’s peak capacity even further this year with even more orders.” – Lars.

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