Case Study
3 mins

Balance Nutrition increases customer satisfaction and decreases passive returns thanks to the Hive App

In the fast-paced and dynamic era we live in, maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle has become an ongoing challenge. Supplements have become a key part of many people’s diets to make sure they get all the essential nutrients required for their health.

Italian e-commerce brand Balance Nutrition is a specialized supplements brand offering a wide range of products, from weight loss solutions to bone, hair, and skin wellness supplements. They provide customized answers to meet the diverse needs and goals of each individual.

With the ever-increasing demand for high-quality supplements, Balance Nutrition faced the challenge of ensuring efficient and timely customer deliveries. Aware of the importance of a reliable logistics service, the brand turned to Hive, a proven logistics partner for supplement brands.

Balance Nutrition minimizes customer waiting times with the Hive App

Before using the Hive App, Balance Nutrition’s customer support processes involved lengthy manual procedures. This cost their team valuable time and left customers waiting.

The Hive App now provides the team with a comprehensive and detailed overview of all ongoing shipments. This greatly simplifies their entire delivery management process, allowing them to quickly identify any arising issues and intervene promptly.

Plus, the ability to check and clear inventories through the App has further optimized order management, substantially reducing waiting times for customers.

Reduced returns rate and shipping costs due to Cash-On-Delivery checks

One recurring issue for Balance Nutrition was the high rate of Cash On Delivery (COD) orders coming back as passive returns. This occurred when customers ordered after seeing a paid social advertisement for the supplements, and selected Cash On Delivery to decide whether to purchase or not when the order arrived.

The team did not want to prevent offering Cash-On-Delivery to their customers since it is a particularly popular payment method in Italy, but they needed to reduce the high return rate.

Luckily, Hive was able to find a solution. They set up an automation where if Cash-On-Delivery is selected, the order is temporarily blocked, alerting the Balance Nutrition team to it. Then, Balance Nutrition is given the option to directly verify all the information with the customer, and check if they are still interested in the product.

This ensures that orders delivered with Cash-On-Delivery are wanted, and are paid for promptly with the correct cash. This reduces their returns rate and decreases costs associated with back-and-forth shipping.

Orders are delivered faster thanks to shipping alternative SKUs

With the high demand for Balance Nutrition’s products, they found they would occasionally go out of stock, meaning orders would get blocked until the SKU was restocked. This led to longer waiting times for their customers. 

With the Hive App though, Balance Nutrition discovered they could automatically send out an alternative SKU if there was an out-of-stock situation. 

The team could use this feature since many of their SKUs are the same supplements but with a different language label. So for example, when an Italian customer ordered an out-of-stock hair supplement, Balance Nutrition could send them that supplement just with an English label.

Their customers were more satisfied with a label in an alternative language than waiting a longer time to receive the product. This mitigated the potential drop in customer satisfaction when facing out-of-stock situations, and allowed their customers to receive the product they wanted as quickly as possible.

A successful partnership

The partnership with Hive has helped solidify Balance Nutrition's reputation as a reliable brand in the dietary supplements industry, ensuring a smoother and more satisfying shopping experience for all its customers. 

With the support of the Hive App, Balance Nutrition is ready to tackle the challenges of the ever-evolving market, keeping customer satisfaction and well-being at the forefront.

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