Case Study

How ADONiS went live with Hive in one week saving 20% on UK and EU shipping

Founded in 2016 by Ingo Braeunlich, ADONiS is on a mission to fight sugar overconsumption and provide plant-based, sustainable snacks. Since then, they have sold over 3 million vegan, keto-friendly, and 100% natural bars.

While looking for a new fulfillment partner, the team at ADONiS knew they would need an international player with sophisticated software to handle their UK and EU volume, multichannel setup, and batch tracking needs. That’s when they came across Hive.

“We chose Hive because we were impressed with their ability to handle D2C as well as their experience with preparing large orders with complex process requirements for retailers. It was the perfect fit for us,” says Lara, COO of ADONiS.

1 week onboarding means zero downtime for ADONiS

Once the teams agreed on the partnership, onboarding for ADONiS only took one week. This was thanks to Hive’s direct integration with Shopify which means the two apps can be connected without needing to write any additional code.

“Within the first onboarding call, we had already integrated our Shopify store”, explains Lara. “It was an easy process and meant we could get going right away”.

Onboarding so quickly, plus a speedy inventory transfer, meant the ADONiS team had no downtime and were able to start saving on their shipping in the UK and EU as soon as possible.

ADONiS saves 20% on shipping in the UK and EU

ADONiS has seen great success in both the UK and EU markets and needed a partner that could give them the best possible international setup. 

With Hive’s pan-EU logistics network, the ADONiS team can split their inventory between the EU and UK, giving them access to local delivery fees and times. Hive also has competitive rates from key last-mile delivery providers with bulk discounts. Because of this, ADONiS saves 20% on average on shipping costs across all markets.

“By utilizing pan-EU shipping, we have experienced significant cost savings in terms of reduced shipping fees, customs clearance expenses, and overall logistics costs. Plus, it means our customers get their packages quicker and with the local delivery experience. It’s a win-win.” – Lara.

Optimized D2C and B2B in one place

ADONiS is a multichannel brand and partners with retailers and distributors in the UK, Germany, and Austria, facilitating these sales through Shopify. 

“One of the reasons we chose Hive was due to their multi-channel capabilities and experience with prepping large orders with complex requirements for retailers”, Lara explains. 

“In the Hive App we can easily book B2B shipments with the right specifications for each retailer. This means we can manage multiple channels without needing to go via an ERP system” – Lara.

Scalable batch tracking is made easy with the Hive App

Being a food brand, ADONiS needed a partner that could offer comprehensive batch management to efficiently track and manage inventory batches. With Hive, the ADONiS team can easily monitor expiration dates, track product movement, and ensure accurate order fulfillment based on their batch-specific requirements.

“Finding a 3PL partner capable of batch management was a crucial factor in our decision making process,” explains Lara. “Being able to manage expiring batches in the Hive App means we can optimize both our D2C and B2B processes.”

A future together with further integrations

The ADONiS team has been pleased with the weekly time saving they’ve achieved by working with Hive, and is eager to invest that time into other projects. 

“By automating order processing, streamlining inventory management, and improving overall efficiency in our fulfillment operations, we save a good amount of hours each week, allowing us to focus more on growing our business and serving our customers effectively”, Lara says.

So what’s next for ADONiS and Hive? The team is excited to use Hive’s Klaviyo integration to communicate with their customers. This integration means that they can automate emails triggered by steps in the fulfillment process, such as when the order has been packed and shipped.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


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